Saturday, July 19, 2014

Darn You, Plumeria!

I have waited two years for my plumeria to flower.  I was afraid I was doing something really wrong because although the leaves stayed shiny and green, the darn thing just never bloomed.  I researched online, read garden blogs, and scoured forums online that would give me a clue as to when my plumeria would finally bloom.  All sources assured and reassured me that plumerias indeed take a long time to bloom.  So here it is, two years later, and it has beautiful and very fragrant flowers.  But guess what?  Well, I'm not really liking this plant anymore.  I wasn't even as excited as I thought I'd be when I saw the flowers blossoming.  I realized that I only kept it all this time because I didn't want to fail as a gardener.  I didn't want to give up on this plant before it ever bloomed.  I didn't want a bruised ego.  I just wanted to taste the sweet success and victory of knowing that hell yes, I have grown a healthy and flowering plumeria.  I had the patience to wait it out.  Hell yeah, I did.  Except now I don't know what to do with it.  Do I keep it because I worked so hard to get it to bloom?  Or do I give it away?  Replant it elsewhere?  I can't decide, and anyway, at this moment it has other buds ready to flower.  I'll keep it for the summer, and hopefully know it's fate when fall arrives.

More about to flower! Yet, I don't care as much as I thought I would.

Tiny buds waiting to grow some more.  I wish I felt more excitement and love for this plant.

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