My name is Anna. I teach kindergarten and 1st grade, and I bought my first home in June 2012. Since then, I have become very interested in gardening because I finally have my very own tiny outdoor space! It's been an ongoing project, especially with my two dogs! One of the perks to my career is having lots of time off. Spring breaks and summers off will give me a chance to gain more knowledge about my new hobby.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Darn You, Plumeria!
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Easy Flower Seeds for Beginners
1. Zinnia: This easy-to-grow annual (only lives for one blooming season) comes in a variety of colors and sizes. Zinnia petals also come in single, semi-double, and double. Zinnia is fast-growing (germinates within 7 days) and sun-loving. Its cheerful look will brighten up any flower bed and container. Try the smaller "Thumbelina Mix" in the front of your flower beds. The tall "California Giant" will add interest in the back. Flowers come in red, yellow, pink, orange, and even green and purple. The "Envy" variety is a cool lime green. Zinnia also come in mixed colors, such as the "Peppermint Stick Mix" and "Queen Red Lime." For a fluffier texture, try the "Cactus Mix."
2. Cosmos: This is another fast-growing and easy-to-grow annual that loves full sun. Cosmos germinates within 7 days. This plant gives a light and airy feel to gardens. They have feathery foliage and flowers that are available in pastel shades to scarlet hues. Cosmos can grow up to 4 feet tall. For a unique look, try the "Seashells Mix."
3. Marigolds: This annual comes in the warm colors of yellow, orange, and red and orange. A cream-colored types also exist. The French and African varieties are very popular, but no matter what you choose, these pest-repelling flowers will bloom all spring and summer. Marigolds look great in flower beds and containers. The seeds germinate within 14 days.
4. Dianthus: Anything in the Dianthus family is very easy to grow, including the Carnation, Sweet William, and Pinks. Whether you choose an annual or a perennial (lives for several blooming seasons) will bloom repeatedly, especially when dead flowers are pinched off regularly. Depending on the variety, germination can take anywhere between 5 days and 3 weeks. Dianthus come in white, as well as shades of pink, from a light baby pink to deep hues of magenta. Many also come in a combination of white and pink or white and magenta. Petals are described as single or double, depending on the variety of dianthus.
5. Sunflowers: Nothing represents summertime quite like the beloved Sunflower. If well-cared for, these hardy plants bloom into Fall. Although there are many types of Sunflowers, you can pretty much choose any one and it will be easy to grow. The "Mammoth" will take a long time to reach its 12-foot height, but its massive flower will be worth it. For a more distinctive look, try the "Teddy Bear" variety. It's fluffy flower head will make you smile. Whether you choose an annual or perennial type, most varieties will germinate within two weeks, but they may not bloom or reach their full height for several weeks.
Other seeds for first-time gardeners to try growing are Impatiens (great for shady areas), Columbine, Daisies, Nasturtiums, and Sweet Peas.
Always read the information on the seed packet, and plant according to instructions. Keep in mind the amount of shade or sun your garden or container offers. Look at the amount of watering and maintenance the plant needs, and compare it to the amount of time and effort you are willing to commit to gardening. Growing plants from seed is a rewarding experience. When those flowers start to bud and bloom, the work you put in will be worth it!
My Colorful Drought-Tolerant Plants
Lantana - Lantana is a very common drought-tolerant shrub in warmer climates. I have two in my yard, and I especially enjoy their bicolored flowers. Lantana can be trimmed into any shape as a bush, but I'm training mine into trees. It is a plant that can reach tall heights, so it can be a colorful backdrop for your shorter plants. Garden Guides explains that Lantana " requires very little water to flourish. It is a popular plant for xeriscapes. When first planting lantana, keep it moderately moist, but once established, yearly rainfall is usually enough to maintain the plant."